I the goal

Function + Health

Working long hours in my office job I would turn to supplements as a convenient way to improve my health and get through my work days.

I always felt let down, like I had to choose between function or health.

Pre-workouts gave me the energy boost for a workout, but they were loaded with harmful ingredients that kept me awake all night and exhausted the next day.

Energy drinks helped me focus at work, but they were packed with artificial flavours and chemicals.

I found myself relying on coffee as the healthiest option, but missing out on a host of functional benefits not found in the single (mighty) coffee bean.

Fixing that tradeoff is at the heart of Return®. Our goal is to create products that don’t come with a "but", ones that serve a function + your long term health equally.

II The problem

What is natural?

Currently, wellness products fall into two main categories: artificial and natural.

Artificial products can use ingredients that are synthetically created, i.e. not from a natural source to start with.

Natural products must use ingredients from natural sources, like fruits and plants. But these ingredients can be processed with chemicals to extract or modify them. For instance, "natural flavouring", stevia, etc.

That definition is crazy. It would be like calling a certain chemically processed leaf-turned-white-powder class A substance "natural".

I realised most wellness brands are using this definition to sneak chemically processed ingredients into their products and it's a huge problem.

To avoid this Return® takes a "Radically Natural" approach, no chemicals or artificial ingredients in the products or in the production process. Radical in 2024, normal for the majority of human history.

III The solution

Fruits, plants, and nothing else

We make our products using organic fruits and plants, dried, ground into powder, and blended together. That’s it.

Our blends are based on both scientific research and the wisdom of centuries-old herbal traditions.

This approach allows us to bring you the health benefits of nature in its purest form + functional support that works.

And as a brand we will continually look for ways to develop products that hold to our standards of radically natural.

We're excited to have you join us on this journey. And thanks for listening to my TED talk.

Adam, Founder.